Terms and Conditions

Scotland for Golf

Terms & Conditions

We know that your holiday is very important to you. It is also very important to us since we want you to enjoy it and continue to trust your holiday arrangements to us in years to come. We also care about our reputation and want to be sure that you understand your commitment when using our booking system. Please therefore, spend a few minutes reading the booking conditions below, since they also detail our obligation to you once you have made payment.

Conditions of Use: 

1. The Company

All bookings are made with Scotland for Golf LTD. By accepting the Quotation Itinerary you are agreeing to the conditions detailed on this page as well as the general information detailed on the Confirmation of Booking.

2. The Booking Form and Fee

If you are under 18 you must have the consent of a parent or guardian before making a booking with Scotland for Golf. If you are booking more than 120 days in advance, a deposit of 40% is required. If you are booking 120 days or less in advance, your acceptance must be accompanied by payment in full. This payment is your commitment for reservations to be made. We will then make a provisional reservation with the hotel/self-catering property(s) and golf courses you have chosen (St Andrews Old Course is subject to a ballot system unless Guaranteed Tee Time stated in your Confirmation Quotation of Booking.). If we are unable to confirm your booking we will contact you to offer alternatives. If you do not wish to proceed with any of the alternatives we suggest, we will, of course, refund any deposit.

Once your deposit has cleared and we have made firm reservations for you we will send you a receipt of your booking showing the outstanding balance(if any). We will also provide you with login details for our "Manage my Tour" online platform which will provide details of your itinerary and where applicable, to UK and European residents making a booking, security arrangements for the security for the money paid over to an independent client trust account (and where applicable) for repatriation of you in the event of insolvency. Please note you are responsible for checking all details e.g. dates, hotel/self-catering property etc. on your Confirmed Quotation of Booking are correct. Any error should be notified to Scotland for Golf within 10 days of receiving your confirmation of booking, after which clauses 4 and 6 below will apply to any cancellation or changes to the booking.

i. Price

We will endeavour to keep the ‘Price’ agreed at the time of Reservation.

Prices may be subject to change; whether an increase or decrease due to unexpected variations in one of the following circumstances:-

  • applicable taxes, including VAT (value added tax)
  • taxes or fees chargeable for services such as landing taxes or departure fees at airports;
  • applicable exchange rates
  • transport costs, including gasoline;

Handicap Restrictions

It is up to the individual to ensure they meet the handicap requirements for any venues in their tour. Scotland for Golf will take no responsibility for inaccurate information leading to the refusal of play.

Old Course, St Andrews:

  • Handicap Certificate - 36 for all golfers. Certificate proof required to play
  • The Ballot: A daily lottery operated by the St Andrews Links to play Old Course
  • If a successful ballot tee time conflicts with another prepaid tee time there is no refund if you choose to play the Old Course.


  • Handicap Certificate - 24 or less for all golfers. Handicap Certificate must be provided at the time of booking as proof is required to play

Ballybunion Golf Club:

  • Handicap Certificate - 24 men 36 women. Certificate proof required to play


If participants within a group choose to make individual instalments towards a deposit payment, a contract is only formed and a tour confirmed when we are in receipt of the full sum of the deposit. Similarly if a balance payment falls short for any reason or a person(s) from the group cancel supplement(s) on shared costs may apply for remaining travellers. We will endeavour to keep any costs incurred to a minimum. Deposits paid by you to SfG are never refundable as they have been forwarded to venues to secure your trip.

3. When to Pay Balances

Any outstanding balance is due 10 weeks (70 days) (16 Weeks - 112 days for over 6 rooms) prior to arrival. Payment may be made by cheque (payable to Scotland for Golf), bank transfer or credit card. Bank transfer details will be provided on request. The date the outstanding balance must be paid is detailed on the booking confirmation form. No reminder will be sent. If you are booking less than 10 weeks before date of arrival, then it is necessary to pay the full amount. If for any reason the balance is not received by the due date then we reserve the right to cancel your booking and make a cancellation charge as defined in the next section.

4. If you cancel your holiday

Cancellation is only effective when received in our office in writing from the person who made the booking. In order to cover our expenditure we charge a cancellation fee according to the scales shown below.

If an individual(s) cancel from part of a group booking (numbers reduce from original quotation). The per person shared costs will increase, increasing the price in the original Quotation Form for remaining participants.

Quotation Itinerary Excluding:  Old Course Guaranteed Tee Times
Period before scheduled arrival:
More than 91 days - deposit only
90 - 70 days - 50% of holiday
70 - 50 days - 75% of holiday
Under 50 days - 100% of holiday

Quotation Itinerary Including:  Old Course Guaranteed Tee Times
Period before scheduled arrival:
1-7 rooms: Up to 10 weeks before 40% / Less than 10 weeks 100%
8 rooms or more: Up to 16 weeks before 40% / less than 16 weeks 100%

Quotation Itinerary Including: The Open (Accommodation Packages), Ryder Cup & St Andrews Classic
Period before scheduled arrival:
More than 120 days - deposit only
120 - 0 days - 100% of holiday

Quotation Itinerary Including: The Open (Ticket & Transfer Packages)
Period before scheduled arrival:
More than 365 days - deposit only
365 - 0 days - 100% of holiday

NB if you have obtained insurance cover you may be able to claim a refund of the cancellation fee if the reason for the cancellation falls within the terms of your policy.

5. If we cancel your holiday

We will not cancel your holiday except for circumstances outside our control such as war or threat of war, riot, industrial dispute, natural disaster, fire or adverse weather conditions. Rounds of golf may be cancelled in particular for lightning or other adverse weather conditions. In the unlikely event of us having to cancel golf only we will give you the option of another course or a refund of the green fee paid. If we have to cancel your entire holiday for reasons other than those detailed above, we will offer an alternate holiday of similar standard or a full refund of all monies already paid by you.

6. Force Majeure

Scotland for Golf will not, together with Our Suppliers, be liable for injury, damage, loss, accident, delay, irregularity, changes or inconvenience caused by, but not limited to any force majeure health risks, reasons of war, threat of war/terrorist activity, riots, expense to personal property due to act or default of any hotel, carrier or any other company or person providing or rendering of the tour Itinerary.

Scotland for Golf, together with the Our Suppliers, will not accept responsibility for any sickness, labour disputes, machinery breakdown, government restraints, weather condition, defect in any transportation or for any misadventure or casualty or any other causes beyond Our control.

7. If you change your booking

If you wish to change any details of your booking we will always do our best to help not including dates. We will however make an alteration charge of £35 per alteration. No alterations will be actioned after ‘Balance Due Date’ if we are not in receipt of full balance payment.

If you are prevented from proceeding with the holiday, you may transfer the booking to another person who satisfies any applicable conditions (e.g. holding a valid handicap certificate), provided you give us reasonable notice of your intention to transfer your booking before the date of arrival.

8. If we change your booking

It is unlikely that we will have to make changes to your holiday booking details but arrangements are made many months in advance and changes sometime become necessary. Usually any change is made as a result of us becoming dissatisfied with the service provided by a supplier such as a hotel/self-catering property, or with the condition of a golf course, and thus the change is made to maintain the quality of holiday at the best possible level.

9. Our Responsibility for your Holiday

We accept responsibility for the standard of the holiday we provide and for all its component parts. We also undertake to maintain such standards in a manner commensurate to the cost of the holiday. We accept responsibility for the acts and omissions of our employees.
These assurances are subject to the following qualifications:

i. That in the event of death, bodily injury or illness, our liability is limited to paying damages for any loss caused by the negligence of our employees or agents.

ii. When you travel with a coach carrier their Conditions of carriage apply, some of which limit or exclude liability.

iii. We are unable to accept responsibility for loss or expense caused by abnormal events during your holiday which are outside our control. By this we mean such circumstance as (but not limited to) adverse weather conditions, traffic congestion strikes, civil commotion, road traffic diversions, war or threat of war, industrial disputes, terrorist activity and disaster.

iv. Except in the case of physical injury, our liability for damage resulting from the non-performance or improper performance of the services supplied under or pursuant to this contract shall be limited to the total price you have paid us. 

v. Subject to clause 8 we accept responsibility for the details of the reservation of your hire car and only this. We use [Arnold Clark]. For details of all other responsibilities and liabilities related to the [Arnold Clark] car hire package please refer to [Arnold Clark] terms & conditions. Delayed Flights for Rental Car: Delayed flights will be met after the branch closes until 10.30pm by prior arrangement. It is imperative that you contact the rental branch before the branch closes, to advise of any delays in order that they can confirm arrangements for the collection of the vehicle. There will be an additional ‘out of hours’ charge of £100 to meet a delayed flight after the rental office closes, up to 1030pm. Any delays after this time will not be met and arrangements will be made to collect the vehicle the following morning.

Your Responsibilities during your stay: You agree to be liable for any damages caused by you to the hotel/self-catering property which results in a claim being made against Scotland for Golf. 

Tours purchased directly online: If two parties buy exactly the same tour at the same time and there is only availability for one group it will be sold on a first come basis. Payment from the second group will not be accepted by us unless an alternate tour is agreed.

10. Responsible for Injury OR illness

We have taken all reasonable and proper care to ensure that suppliers such as Hotels/self-catering properties and Coach Company etc are efficient and reputable concerns and they comply with the local and national laws of the country in which they provide services. If you or any member of your party suffer death, bodily injury or illness arising from negligence of our suppliers (which expression shall be limited to mean the suppliers of services which we have contracted to provide you) we shall not be liable for such death, bodily injury or illness.

11. Transfers

If you have booked an airport to accommodation transfer on arrival through us, you must advise us of the airport you are arriving at, and the airline, flight number, and scheduled time of arrival. If your flight is changed you must advise us as soon as possible. There may be an additional charge if you change the airport of arrival, or if your flight is delayed beyond 1 hour. If your flight is diverted please telephone us on arrival. The airline will normally transfer you to your scheduled airport of arrival. If you have booked an accommodation to airport transfer for your departure you must be ready to leave at the agreed time.

We are unable to accept responsibility for loss caused by adverse weather conditions, accident, and breakdown or traffic congestion

12. Passport / Visa requirements.

For US citizens, a current passport is required to travel to overseas destinations. Nationals of member States of the European Union require a valid passport if travelling to the United Kingdom or the Republic of Ireland. A Visa may also be required for certain countries. Check the requirements in good time before departure. Citizens of other countries should check with the appropriate Embassy.

13. Scottish Law & Scottish Courts

This contract is governed by Scots law, and any claim under this agreement shall be within the exclusive jurisdiction of the Scottish Courts.

14. Travel Insurance

We do not offer any form of Insurance cover for your holiday. You are required to make your own arrangements for travel, medical etc independently. We strongly recommend you arrange this in your country of residence.

15. Helicopter Golf

Additional terms and conditions

16. If you have a complaint

In the unlikely event that you feel dissatisfaction with any aspect of your holiday arrangements we ask you to bring this to the attention of our representative at the time so that the matter can be dealt with right away. If the matter cannot be put right on the spot please put your comments in writing, to be received by Scotland for Golf no later than 28 days after your holiday return date, quoting your tour and customer reference number, and explaining your complaint in as much detail as possible. Any complaint concerned with the arrangements for your holiday will be dealt with carefully by our staff. Disputes arising out of or in connection with this contract which cannot be amicably settled may (if you wish) be referred to arbitration. The arbitration is administered independently of Scotland for Golf. The scheme provides for a simple and inexpensive method of arbitration on documents alone with restricted liability. It does not apply to claims which are solely or mainly in respect of physical injury or the consequences of such injury or illness.  

Unless otherwise stated in writing these conditions supersede any earlier set of conditions. 

Conditions of Use - Golf Gift Vouchers

  1. Vouchers are only redeemable with Scotland for Golf (SfG).
  2. Vouchers are only valid on or until date printed on official voucher.
  3. The voucher validity date cannot be extended or changed.
    Reservations taken according to availability.
    At busy times we may offer dates as much as 30 days over validity of voucher.
  4. Voucher is not redeemable for cash.
  5. Vouchers are non-refundable. 
  6. Open Vouchers: Vouchers cannot be used against green fees alone. Minimum of 50% of value must be used on tuition.
  7. Confirmed reservations must be with Scotland for Golf 30 days prior to expiry date on voucher.
  8. No refunds given for failure to use voucher on or within date specified.
    VOUCHER EXTENSION: ACCIDENT - ILLNESS - UNFIT: Medical Certificate Required.
    a. Vouchers are transferable if recipient is unable to use.
    b. Maximum Extension 90days on production of medical certificate - £35 charge.
    c. Business Commitments: 90 Day Maximum Extension £35.
    Any difference in rates for accommodation/green fees would be applicable and charged at the appropriate rate.
  9. Vouchers including the Old Course tee times are for ballot times tee times and do not include a guarantee play. If unsuccessful you will play the Jubilee Course. The St Andrews Links have a daily lottery system in which we enter your name. We will inform you the day before play of the result and make final arrangements. Golfers playing the Old Course must have valid Handicap Certificate (Gentlemen 24, Ladies 36). If you have received a voucher and do not meet these requirements we will offer you an alternative course for your golf experience. 
  10. Vouchers do not guarantee individual play with the Golf Professional or sole use of a tee time.
  11. Cancellation / No Show of a Reservation
    Tuition Playing Vouchers: If you have made a reservation and can no longer attend on agreed date a cancellation fee of £35 is payable to keep voucher valid for the rest of the period of validity identified on voucher otherwise the voucher ceases to be valid. Vacations: If you redeem a Vacation Voucher and request reservations dates these dates are final. Our commitment to you has been fulfilled. If you fail, for any reason to use reservations your only claim would be against you holiday insurance and not SfG.
Last updated 13/03/2020
Google Reviews
What Our Customers Say

"I'm so glad I signed up with Scotland for Golf while visiting St. Andrews. David, my instructor, was professional, attentive, and an excellent communicator. The facilities at their establishment were top notch. Since coming back home I can already see improvements in my golf game. Highly recommended for locals and tourists alike."

Alex Konyves

"George hosted a fantastic round of golf around St Andrews. His coaching was pertinent, useful and probably the best player lesson ever. Thank you 😊"

Lisa Higham

"One word Brilliant 👏, from enquiries to booking both golf and accommodation. Many thanks to Scott, Craig, George & Ryan ( Pro who looked after me for the day ) . From the warm up and out on the course, Ryan was knowledgeable and helpful ,explained everything i needed to know to play a links course . Will take on board his tips and work at them ."

Keith R

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